PM Modi said on two phases of voting, the public destroyed the opposition in the first phase and defeated it in the second.


New Delhi: Amidst the Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given an exclusive interview to Network18 Group. Starting the interview, Group Editor of Network18, Rahul Joshi expressed his gratitude to PM Modi and said, ‘Modi ji, many thanks to News18 Network for giving this exclusive interview. You took time out for us from your very busy schedule. We will do this interview in a slightly different way. Will ask some big picture questions. We have our anchors from Maharashtra with us. The other is our Karnataka editor. These two states are important in this election. So we thought we would also ask you a few questions. let start.’

Responding to this, PM Modi said, ‘First of all, my greetings to you and all your viewers. I like that you have included Karnataka and Maharashtra also. In a way you have helped me, otherwise all three would have had to give separate interviews. So maybe I would have had to give more time.

Some excerpts from the interview:

Rahul Joshi: Many thanks, welcome to Network18.

Question- 1: We are touring the entire country. Going here and there. We were in South, went to Bihar and now were in Maharashtra too, so it has been seen everywhere that whether talking to the opposition or talking to your candidates, people say that when Modi ji comes here, everything will change. Can’t say anything right now. If Modi ji comes, maybe there will be a sweep, maybe the seat will be lost. So can we see this 2024 election as a referendum on Narendra Modi? Could it look like a referendum?

PM Modi: Now this whole game is of media people. At what time, in what way to analyze, but I will say this much that I do not run any government which works at the time of elections. If you see my 10 year record, the average is Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I went to some corner of India. I have been among the people and that is why I keep visiting them continuously and I believe that elections are such a celebration of democracy. It is the duty of all political parties to reach out to as many people as possible. There should be some kind of training work. There should be communication. There should be discussions. So, as a political activist, I am there whether there are elections or not. I consider it my duty and so I go.

PM Modi said, ‘As far as these two phases are concerned, I have seen such public support in very few elections, which I am seeing this time. In a way, Janata Janardan is contesting this election. Fighting for good governance. Fighting to make her dreams come true. It seems to me that perhaps I am an objector. This time I have a little more enthusiasm to go among people and perhaps I want to go more often than before. Because the people who have taken up such a big responsibility with so much zeal and enthusiasm should go and pay their respects to the people and seek their blessings. I consider this my duty.

PM Modi said on two phases of voting, the public destroyed the opposition in the first phase and defeated it in the second.

PM Modi said, ‘When the first round took place, I had told a friend that in the first round, those who were putting up a front against us were trying to sit, they were defeated in the first round. And yesterday I saw that they had been destroyed in the second round. That means first people had destroyed it, now they have demolished it.

Tags: Pm narendra modi


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