Monica Raymond and Rebecca Cutter on Hightown Season 3: ‘We’re going out with a bang’

Monica Raymond in a scene from 'Hightown' Season 3

Monica Raymond in a scene from ‘Hightown’ Season 3

Crime drama Hightown Tells the story of Jackie Quinones, a National Marine Fisheries Service agent struggling with drug and alcohol abuse. He is investigating the opioid epidemic in Provincetown, Massachusetts. According to creator Rebecca Cutter, Jackie, played by Monica Raymond, came to her in a “fever dream”.

In a video call from Los Angeles, USA, Rebecca says, “I knew that character could be central to the show. I wanted to develop her from there and then, thank God, Monica came in and made her real. It has been a blessed journey from the beginning. “

Monica says thanks to Rebecca’s extensive preparation for the role. “She told me about Jackie’s origin story, her background and circumstances. We created the character with Rebecca’s insight. I didn’t know anything about Provincetown, so Rebecca was my hero there (laughs), teaching me about the area and living there.

Speaking percentage

Jackie is a complex character dealing with relationship troubles and struggling to stay sober, all the while juggling a dangerous, high-pressure job. On whether Monica will inform Jackie more than the script, the 37-year-old actor laughed, “I mean, like 50-50, or 90-10! When actors play roles, we always bring a part of ourselves to the role. I connected with Jackie because I understood what she was going through. I understand how we try and deal with things that don’t go our way. Jackie’s story is also about how one finds purpose. She is trying to figure out what her purpose is, sometimes making mistakes along the way.

James Badge Dale, Rebecca Cutter and Monica Raymond

James Badge Dale, Rebecca Cutter and Monica Raymond

Describing the similarities between himself and Jackie, good wife Says the actor, smiling broadly, “Well, she likes to party and so do I. Jackie is constantly trying to find her true self. And like Jackie, I’m trying to do that all the time as an adult. There are times when I know exactly what my purpose is and that drives me and others when I lose it.” There are

She’s got the looks

Monica says putting Jackie’s look together was a process. “Between our pilot director Rebecca, Rachel Morrison, a couple of producers and myself, we made sure we were telling the same story. The look was messy, rock and roll-ish. She’s a player and loves to party. It was fun to translate that vibe into hair and makeup and wardrobe. .

Rebecca Cutter and Monica Raymond

Rebecca Cutter and Monica Raymond

Rebecca says Jackie also has a working class look. “We had to find a mix between a small town and a hip, city vibe,” he adds.

A last hurray

Season 3 is the final season of the show. “All the characters reach their final forms,” ​​says Rebecca. “There are a lot of ups and downs, twists and turns along the way but all the characters end up in a place that feels at once shocking and inevitable. It will be satisfying to see where everyone ends up.

Rebecca says it will be bittersweet to say goodbye to the fair people of Hightown. “I’m very proud of what we’ve done. We’re going out with a bang. We’re leaving the show in the right place but it’s sad. We’re a family, I’ve had so much fun and learned so much from the show.

James Badge Dale and Monica Raymond in 'Hightown' Season 3

James Badge Dale and Monica Raymond in ‘Hightown’ Season 3

It’s a personal and meaningful project, agrees Monica. “I will remember it forever. That being said, it was the best and most exciting third season of television.

On whether there is a chance for a spinoff, prequel or follow-up, Rebecca laughs and says, “From your lips to God’s ears. That is above our pay scale. We love working together and I would definitely love to write more about Jackie.

All three seasons of Hightown are currently streaming on Lionsgate Play

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